Beyond Efficiency: Examining the Ethical Implications of AI Writing

Critical Essay

Bao Xiong
4 min readMar 9, 2024


Our fast-paced, on-demand world, characterized by short attention spans, fuels the demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that deliver results quickly and efficiently including AI writing tools. While supporters praise the efficiency and innovation AI brings to content creation, skeptics and experts warn of its limitations, ethical implications, and far-reaching impacts. My essay explores both sides, but it also takes a closer look at the problems with AI writing tools like their limitations, ethical issues, and how they affect society.

Limitations of AI Writing

At first glance, AI promises rapid content creation with unparalleled speed and large quantities. However, a closer examination reveals significant limitations such as lacking human-like understanding. It struggles with context, cultural references, and nuance. This leads to inaccurate interpretations, biased outputs, and formulaic content lacking originality. AI algorithms can generate text based on existing patterns and data inputs, but they often fall short in generating truly original or imaginative content. Creativity, with its inherent ambiguity and free-flowing nature, remains a distinctly human trait and strength over AI’s current capabilities.

Ethical Concerns

AI writing technologies raises ethical questions regarding authorship, plagiarism, and intellectual property rights. Articles like those in Harvard Business Review highlight the ethical considerations surrounding AI writing: “In a case filed in late 2022, Andersen v. Stability AI et al., three artists formed a class to sue multiple generative AI platforms on the basis of the AI using their original works without license to train their AI in their styles, allowing users to generate works that may be insufficiently transformative from their existing, protected works, and, as a result, would be unauthorized derivative works (”

As more and more AI-written content appears online, distinguishing AI-generated content from human work is difficult, blurring the lines and potentially harming content creators’ livelihoods. Additionally, the dominance of large corporations with powerful AI tools could integrate content and magnify existing inequalities within the creative industry, favoring those with resources and capital. This can make it difficult for smaller creators to compete and make a living.

The dangers of AI are rising, ranging from misinformation to disinformation and growing concerns about potential risks. In May of 2023, AI experts, including figures like Elon Musk, signed a letter urging a pause on development due to growing concerns about potential risks. While some worry about existential threats, more immediate dangers include misinformation, job displacement, and unforeseen consequences due to AI’s ability to learn and adapt. The letter calls for responsible action, including regulations, to mitigate these risks. One of the concerns is “self-coding capabilities: Granting LLMs (Large Language Models) access to write their own code increases risk of unforeseen consequences (”.

Societal Impacts

In addition to its effects on creating content, AI writing technology has a big impact on society as it can and has change how jobs, education, and culture work. For example, AI writing could disrupt labor markets and displace workers as more companies using AI to do tasks could mean fewer jobs for people. This could make it hard for many workers to find stable jobs and make living wages.

AI is making its way into classrooms through various tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini. In October 2023, a survey conducted by Forbes Advisor gathered insights from 500 practicing educators across the United States regarding their experiences AI integration in the classroom. The article discusses the evolving role of AI in education, highlighting various functions such as AI-powered educational games, adaptive learning platforms, automated grading systems, chatbots for student support, and intelligent tutoring systems. The article emphasizes on the potential benefits of AI in freeing up educators’ time and enhancing student learning experiences, while also acknowledging ongoing concerns regarding ethics, equity, and data safety. My experience with chatbots in online shopping and banking has been largely frustrating due to repetitive loops of canned responses that fail to address complex issues, which leads me to believe that student support chatbots could be equally ineffective with complex academic or administrative issues. This can hinder student’s ability to get the support they need. Another Forbes article addresses the downside and challenges of AI in the classroom: “There is also the lack of human interaction and emotional support that students receive when using AI-powered educational tools. While AI can provide personalized learning and instant feedback, it cannot replace the human and emotional support that students need to succeed, and relying too heavily on AI-powered educational tools may impact students negatively (”.

AI could also erode the authenticity of human expression as AI churns out content that mimics human creativity. This erosion of authenticity undermines trust in what people read and consume online, and it challenges our ability to be creative and think critically, which are skills essential for a healthy and informed society.


Beyond efficiency, AI writing tools also come with serious problems with limitations and ethical implications that demand attention. We must understand its capabilities and limitations to harness its potential for positive change while mitigating its negative consequences. More importantly, ethical and responsible use of AI writing tools is key to maximizing their positive impact.



Bao Xiong

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